Zhenfei Zhang


Zhenfei Zhang is an engineer at Scroll and a researcher at Ethereum Foundation. He was previously the co-founder and chief technology officer of Manta Network. He has extensive experience in the field of cryptography and has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers on cryptography.

Relevance Person

Andrew Zhang

Andrew Zhang is the CTO at New Huo Technology. As a senior technical expert, Andrew has worked at Alibaba and Ant Group for nearly 10 years, specializing in designing high-performance and highly available distributed systems. Graduated from the School of Computer Science and Technology of Harbin Institute of Technology with a master's degree.

Haichen Shen

Haichen Shen is the co-founder of Scroll and leads the engineering team. He is also an open-source enthusiast and has contributed to several open-source projects, including zkEVM, Apache TVM, and RAF. He studied at Tsinghua Yaoban for his undergraduate degree and received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. His research focuses on the field of low-level systems. After graduating, he worked on building machine learning systems at Amazon.

Ye Zhang

Ye Zhang is the co-founder of Scroll. He holds an undergraduate degree from Peking University and has been working on ZK proofs since 2018. Previously, he mainly studied ZK proof hardware acceleration and ZK cryptography algorithm principles, and his Ph.D. is also in the ZK direction.

Nathan Zou

Nathan Zou is vice President of product at Trust Wallet and was previously head of Web3 product at OKX. He also worked at PayPal and Ant Group. He has a master's degree in electrical engineering from the University at Buffalo.

Sandy Peng

Sandy Peng is the co-founder of Scroll, having graduated from Cambridge University and worked in research at the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission. In 2017, he began to work in Web3 project investment. He also had prior experience working on games and product projects. Currently, he is working on the team in non-technical areas.

Péter Garamvölgyi

Peter Garamvolgyi is the Lead, Protocol Engineering at Scroll and was previously an engineer at Conflux Network and president of the International Blockchain Association at Tsinghua University.

Tomasz Wojewoda

Tomasz Wojewoda is Head of Business Development at BNB Chain and previously Head of Scroll Growth and Chainlink Sales. He is a graduate of Babson College.

Jacopo Cecchi

Jacopo Cecchi currently serves as COO of Algorand Inc. In this role he is responsible for the company’s day-to-day operations, strategic oversight, company liaison for portfolio investments, and Board relations. Prior to his appointment as COO, Jacopo served as Chief of Staff to Algorand’s Founder, Silvio Micali. Before joining Algorand, Jacopo served as the VP of Marketing at myInvenio, a process mining software company dedicated to optimizing organizational processes through data-driven insights that was successfully acquired by IBM in 2021. Jacopo earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management from École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP) Business School.

Michael Gan

Michael Gan is the Founder & CEO of Kucoin. He is a former technical expert of Ant Financial of Alibaba Group, a veteran of financial solutions, and a senior partner of Internet giants such as MikeCRM, KF5.COM, etc. He is a tech enthusiast and was among the first batch of users in NetEase's 1998 free personal site hosting service.

Haichao Zhu

Haichao Zhu is the co-founder of Rooch Network and has worked on Algorand, Solana and other projects.