Helena Flack


Helena Flack is the Communications Specialist at Scroll, Co-Founder at ETHBerlin.

Relevance Person

Björn Wagner

Bjorn Wagner is the co-founder and CEO of Parity Technologies.


Sammi is the COO at Okapi and formerly the Asia Lead at Centrifuge.

Maex Ament

Maex Ament is the co-founder and partner of Crane Earth, and was previously the co-founder and CEO of Centrifuge.

Haichen Shen

Haichen Shen is the co-founder of Scroll and leads the engineering team. He is also an open-source enthusiast and has contributed to several open-source projects, including zkEVM, Apache TVM, and RAF. He studied at Tsinghua Yaoban for his undergraduate degree and received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. His research focuses on the field of low-level systems. After graduating, he worked on building machine learning systems at Amazon.

Ye Zhang

Ye Zhang is the co-founder of Scroll. He holds an undergraduate degree from Peking University and has been working on ZK proofs since 2018. Previously, he mainly studied ZK proof hardware acceleration and ZK cryptography algorithm principles, and his Ph.D. is also in the ZK direction.

Sandy Peng

Sandy Peng is the co-founder of Scroll, having graduated from Cambridge University and worked in research at the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission. In 2017, he began to work in Web3 project investment. He also had prior experience working on games and product projects. Currently, he is working on the team in non-technical areas.

Péter Garamvölgyi

Peter Garamvolgyi is the Lead, Protocol Engineering at Scroll and was previously an engineer at Conflux Network and president of the International Blockchain Association at Tsinghua University.

Tomasz Wojewoda

Tomasz Wojewoda is Head of Business Development at BNB Chain and previously Head of Scroll Growth and Chainlink Sales. He is a graduate of Babson College.

Jan Gorzny

Jan Gorzny is the Co-Founder at Zircuit and former Head of L2 Scaling at Quantstamp. He holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Waterloo and a master's degree in algorithmic graph theory from the University of Victoria.

Patricia Ho

Patricia Ho is General Counsel at Scroll and formerly served as Deputy General Counsel at OKX. She graduated from the University of Hong Kong and University College London.