
Ethereum and decentralized protocols software company


ConsenSys is an Ethereum and decentralized protocols software company that enables developers, enterprises, and people worldwide to build next-generation applications, launch modern financial infrastructure, and access the decentralized web. Its product suite, composed of Infura, Quorum, Codefi, MetaMask, MetaMask Institutional, Truffle, Diligence, and an NFT platform, serves millions of users, supports billions of blockchain-based queries for clients, and has handled billions of dollars in digital assets.

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Significant Events

Mar, 2022

ConsenSys raised $ 450 M in Series D round

Nov, 2021

ConsenSys raised $ 200 M in Series C round

Apr, 2021

ConsenSys raised $ 65 M in Series B round

Jul, 2019

ConsenSys raised $ 10 M in Series A round