Pavol Rusnak


Pavol Rusnák, otherwise known as "Stick," is the Co-Founder, CTO, core developer, and cryptographer of SatoshiLabs. He is leading the development of software and hardware projects such as TREZOR, the first hardware wallet. In addition, he is interested in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. He also works on award-winning, hi-tech, experimental, and new media interactive installations in his spare time. Pavol graduated from Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, majoring in Database Systems with a focus on distributed systems. He is a highly-regarded security expert and privacy activist and has been invited to speak at significant technology-oriented events such as the Chaos Communication Congress, FOSDEM, and LinuxTag. Furthermore, he has served as a board member of the openSUSE Project and as a three-time mentor/administrator for the Google Summer of Code