Alena Satoshi


Alena Satoshi is the co-founder of TREZOR. She is a polyglot who speaks seven languages and studied Economic Diplomacy at University College of International and Public Relations Prague, with a focus on international economy and monetary system. Additionally, Alena has earned a Master's Degree in Marketing Communication and a Master in German from Comenius University Bratislava.

Work Experience

Relevance Person

Pavol Rusnak

Pavol Rusnák, otherwise known as "Stick," is the Co-Founder, CTO, core developer, and cryptographer of SatoshiLabs. He is leading the development of software and hardware projects such as TREZOR, the first hardware wallet. In addition, he is interested in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. He also works on award-winning, hi-tech, experimental, and new media interactive installations in his spare time. Pavol graduated from Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, majoring in Database Systems with a focus on distributed systems. He is a highly-regarded security expert and privacy activist and has been invited to speak at significant technology-oriented events such as the Chaos Communication Congress, FOSDEM, and LinuxTag. Furthermore, he has served as a board member of the openSUSE Project and as a three-time mentor/administrator for the Google Summer of Code

Marek Palatinus

Marek Palatinus, also known as Slush, is the inventor of the concept of a Bitcoin mining pool, operator of the Slush Pool, designer of the lightweight Stratum protocol, and the core programmer of TREZOR. With nearly 15 years of experience in IT, Marek has co-developed several successful internet startups and worked as an enterprise architect for one of the largest banks in Central Europe. Since his introduction to Bitcoin in 2010, he has devoted all his time to developing useful services and tools to promote the widespread adoption of Bitcoin. He is the CEO and Head IT Architect at Satoshi Labs, which is responsible for creating some of the most widely used Bitcoin products (such as TREZOR, Slush Pool, and Coinmap).