Garrison Yang

Co-Founder at Mirai


Garrison Yang is a co-founder of Mirai. He was previously Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Marketing Officer at and Vice President of Growth and Strategy at Ava Labs. He graduated with a degree in environmental Health engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

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Jacky Wang

Jacky Wang is the co-founder of Shibuya, previously worked as a software engineer at Facebook and Instagram. He is a graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Joe Gerber

Joe Gerber is the founder of IDEO CoLab Ventures and was previously a senior Product Manager at Fidelity Investments.

Guillermo Angeris

Guillermo is a Stanford lifer (BS, MS, and PhD in Electrical Engineering). He spends most of his work time in a dark corner of a room, figuring out random math problems for fun. He also loves to work with teams to model many of the weird (and fascinating) incentives in DeFi and beyond. Outside of work, Guillermo likes to cook pizza, hike, and have long, silly conversations with friends over wine.

Abhinav Vora

Abhinav Vora is the co-founder and CEO of Hyperline. He was previously the head of engineering at Lyft Pink and a software engineer at Meta and Microsoft. He graduated from RMIT University.

Sahil Thaker

Sahil Thaker is the co-founder of Hyperline and previously worked at Microsoft, Uber, and Meta. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Oakland.

Patrick O'Grady

Patrick O'Grady is the founder of commonware and was previously VP of Engineering at Avalanche and a software engineer at Coinbase. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer science from Stanford University.

Mind Apivessa

Mind Apivessa is the co-founder of Station Labs, previously held positions at Meta and IBM. He graduated from Cornell University in the United States.

John Wu

John Wu is the President of Ava Labs, a technology company backed by Andresseen Horowitz that is building the next-generation blockchain platform: Avalanche. His mission is to make financial services and products accessible to everyone. He is using his experience of more than 20 years as a fintech executive and technology investor to create a blockchain-based solution for the origination, issuance, and trading of financial assets. Previously, John was the CEO of the SharesPost Digital Assets Group, which enabled compliant token trading of private shares and funds. Before that, he was a technology investor and the founder of Sureview Capital, a hedge fund supported by the Blackstone Group. John began his investment career at Tiger Management, a distinguished hedge fund that had $20 billion in assets under management at its peak. Afterwards, he managed a global technology portfolio at Kingdon Capital. John received his MBA from Harvard University and holds a BS in Economics from Cornell University.

Ishaan Hiranandani

Ishaan Hiranandani is Strategy Lead at EigenLayer and was previously a product manager at jpmorgan Chase andan investor in Jump Crypto. He graduated from the University of Michigan.

Yurii Kyparus

Yurii Kyparus is the Co-Founder of Wallchain. He has a background of Google and Meta.