Daniel Lv


Daniel Lv is the co-founder and COO of the Nervos Foundation. He is a senior architect and blockchain technology expert with five years of experience in digital cryptocurrency and blockchain technology development.

Relevance Person

Jeff Liu

Jeff Liu is the partner at Slowmist and former Head of imToken Infrastructure and GM at imToken America.

Bin He

Bin He is the founder and CEO of imToken. He is a serial entrepreneur with more than 10 years of experience in Internet product design and development. He holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Hangzhou Normal University.

Terry Tai

Terry Tai is the Co-Founder and CEO of the Nervos Network. In addition, Terry Tai worked as an engineer at Intridea and as a developer at CloudCoin. Terry Tai is also the co-founder of the blockchain depository platform Security Network.

Jan Xie

Jan Xie is the Chief Architect and Head of the Research Team of Nervos Network. He was previously a Researcher and Developer of Ethereum and founded EthFans. Xie graduated from Zhejiang University.

Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang is co-founder of Khalani Labs, co-founder of Nervos, and previously co-founder of Launch School, a developer education platform. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Beijing Jiaotong University.

Taylor Nelson

Taylor Nelson is the head of Business development at CR3 Labs and previously was Improbable's Chief Web3 strategist. He graduated from the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities.

Daniel Kmak

Daniel Kmak worked in developer relations at LayerZero and previously worked at Energy Web, Polymath, and Nervos Network.

Haichao Zhu

Haichao Zhu is the co-founder of Rooch Network and has worked on Algorand, Solana and other projects.


Ashu is the co-founder of Mest.io and served as the product leader of imtoken.

Cipher Wang

Cipher Wang is founder of UTXO Stack, founder of JoyID, co-founder of Nervos, and author of the RGB++ protocol. Previously, he was the Product Director of the Blockchain Technology Research Institute of China Banknote. He holds a master's degree in theoretical Physics from Tsinghua University and a bachelor's degree in automation from Zhejiang University.