Jan Xie


Jan Xie is the Chief Architect and Head of the Research Team of Nervos Network. He was previously a Researcher and Developer of Ethereum and founded EthFans. Xie graduated from Zhejiang University.

Education Experience

Relevance Person

Cipher Wang

Cipher Wang is founder of UTXO Stack, founder of JoyID, co-founder of Nervos, and author of the RGB++ protocol. Previously, he was the Product Director of the Blockchain Technology Research Institute of China Banknote. He holds a master's degree in theoretical Physics from Tsinghua University and a bachelor's degree in automation from Zhejiang University.

Jessica Tian

Jessica Tian is a General Partner at Axia8 Ventures. She has 5 years of blockchain experience and 10 years of crypto entrepreneurship and marketing experience. She has invested and incubated more than 30 projects and founded several small startups.

Mike Neuder

Mike Neuder is a Researcher at the Ethereum Foundation and previously a software engineer at Google. He holds a master's degree in computer science and engineering from Harvard University.

Fang Kuai

Kaiyu (Fang Kuai) Qian is the COO of Debox and was previously a humanDAO contributor. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and a PhD in human-computer interaction from Zhejiang University.

Chesky Wu

Chen (Chesky) Wu is the founder of Discourse.

Bowei Zhang

Bowei Zhang is the head of operations at NFTGo and has worked at Fosun Group and Unilever. He holds a bachelor's degree from Zhejiang University.

Jiahui Fu

Jiahui Fu is the Global Ecosystem Lead at Chainbase. She graduated from New York University and Zhejiang University.

Daniel Kmak

Daniel Kmak worked in developer relations at LayerZero and previously worked at Energy Web, Polymath, and Nervos Network.

Danny Ryan

Danny Ryan is a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation.

Christian Reitwiessner

Dr. Christian Reitwiessner is Team Lead at Ethereum, Creator of Solidity - looking for C++ engineers. Created the smart contract programming language Solidity and worked on the C++ implementation of Ethereum. Ethereum is a blockchain-based trusted and transparent decentralised computing platform and Solidity is a statically typed programming language that compiles to the bytecode native to the Ethereum Virtual Machine.