Puffer Finance

Anti-Slashing Liquid Staking


Puffer is a decentralized native Liquid Restaking Protocol (nLRP) built on EigenLayer. It introduces native Liquid Restaking Tokens (nLRTs) that accrue PoS and restaking rewards. Nodes within the protocol leverage Puffer’s anti-slashing technology to enjoy reduced risk and increased capital efficiency, while supercharging their rewards through native restaking. Puffer's core mission is to maintain the "trusted neutrality" of Ethereum and enhance and maintain the decentralization of Ethereum.


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Significant Events

Apr, 2024

Puffer Finance raised $ 18 M in Series A round

Jan, 2024

Puffer Finance completed a strategic financing

Aug, 2023

Puffer Finance raised $ 5.5 M in Seed round

Jun, 2022

Puffer Finance raised $ 650 K in Pre-Seed round