Sam Zou


Sam Zou is the Founder of SubQuery and OnFinality. He was a Head of Infrastructure and Cloud Service at Centrality. He Attended The University of Auckland during 2002-2004.

Education Experience

Relevance Person

Sahil Thaker

Sahil Thaker is the co-founder of Hyperline and previously worked at Microsoft, Uber, and Meta. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Oakland.

Janine Grainger

Janine Grainger is the Co-Founder & CEO at Easy Crypto. She graduated from University of Auckland.

Lark Davis

Lark Davis is a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investor, who makes daily videos on his YouTube channel to help the average investor make money in this fast-moving market.

Justin Bons

Justin Bons is Founder, CIO & fund manager of Cyber Capital, full time cryptocurrency researcher since 2014, AKA VeritasSapere. After studying Philosophy at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, he discovered crypto-assets in 2012 and immersed himself in this new technology. This led him to actively invest in crypto-assets and setting up a private mining operation in 2014. Since then, he has been devoted full time to this new asset class doing fundamental analysis with a focus on the underlying governance models. Through writing articles and giving lectures, he regularly participates in the public debate surrounding crypto-assets, and is a voting member in Bitcoin Unlimited, a full node implementation for the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash networks.

Zac Zou

Zac Zou is a Partner at DWF Labs. He previously worked at China Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., and joined OKEx in August 2018 as a Regional Business Manager, focusing on the Vietnam, India, and Russia markets.

Echo Guo

Echo Guo is the CEO of MetaDojo & Aimy. She graduated from The University of Auckland.