Matt Galligan is the Co-founder & CEO at XMTP Labs. Previously He co-founded four companies: Interchange, Circa, SimpleGeo, and Socialthing.
Work Experience

Relevance Person

Dan Held
Dan Held is a General Partner at Asymmetric and was previously Head of Business Development at Kraken. His former company Interchange, a portfolio reconciliation tool for crypto institutional traders, was acquired by Kraken in 7/2019. Prior to that, he was at Uber on Rider Growth/Global Data. Before Uber, Dan built some of the most popular early crypto products including ChangeTip (acquired by AirBnB), and ZeroBlock (acquired by in the second ever all Bitcoin acquisition). He was part of the original 2013 crypto meetup group in SF which was comprised with the founders of Coinbase, Ripple, Kraken, and others.

Rochelle Guillou
Rochelle Guillou is Head of Content marketing at XMTP and was previously a market researcher at Flipside Crypto and community Project manager at Algorand.

Clark Moody
Clark Moody is co-founder of Interchange. He founded the successful bitcoin company RTBTC, which was acquired by Blockchain in early 2014 and became the ZeroBlock trading platform.

Shane Mac
Shane Mac is the co-founder and CEO of XMTP. He is also the co-founder of Squared Away.