Alex Morcos


Alex co-founded Hudson River Trading in 2002 and was engaged in helping bringing efficiency to securities markets through technologically advanced quantitative trading. In 2014, Alex co-founded Chaincode Labs as a research lab dedicated to advancing the field of digital currencies.

Alex Morcos

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Suhas Daftuar

Suhas Daftuar is Co-founder at Chaincode Labs, a technology think-tank designed to support and develop Bitcoin and other peer-to-peer decentralized systems. Research-based in its interests and mission, Chaincode is among the largest contributors to the Bitcoin Core open-source software project. The organization facilitates engineer immersion in the Bitcoin protocol, while also underwriting the creation, testing, and review of changes to the Bitcoin reference implementation. Previously, Suhas co-founded Hudson River Trading LLC, a multi-asset-class quantitative trading firm that he co-led for more than a decade. While at HRT, Suhas directed the development of algorithmic trading strategies for global markets. During his tenure, he served on the boards of the Direct Edge stock exchanges, EDGA and EDGX, which later became part of BATS Global Markets. He also advocated for fair and open markets with the SEC, espousing market structures that bolster competition and maximize efficiency. Suhas earned his A.B. in Mathematics from Harvard College.

Pieter Wuille

Peter Wuille is a Bitcoin Core developer and the co-founder of Blockstream. He is ranked second in terms of commits to Bitcoin Core and is responsible for important improvements to Bitcoin such as BIP 66, libsecp256k1, and Segregated Witness. His programming languages include C++, C, Perl, Java, Bash, (PG)SQL, Haskell, OCaml, and PHP. He is also skilled in system administration, including Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, and LDAP. His specialties include programming languages, compilers, and cryptography.