Aya Miyaguchi


Aya Miyaguchi is the Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation and was previously in charge of operations in Japan for the Kraken.

Aya Miyaguchi (ayamiya.eth)

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Followers 24.75 K
Following 725
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Relevance Person

Devan Purhar

Devan Purhar is a co-founder of Firewall and was previously a software engineer at Kraken and a founding engineer at Staked. He graduated from the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Caroline Friedman

Caroline is the Head of Operations at Bastion and former Chief of Staff on the a16z crypto team. Prior to joining a16z crypto, she was at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange, where she held a Chief of Staff role and a Regulatory Strategy Counsel role. Before that, Caroline worked as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Colorado. She has prosecuted cases related to cyber-crime, international terrorism, and the illegal export of sensitive U.S. technology. Caroline has also worked as an associate at Jones Day, and has experience at INTERPOL and the Bureau of Industry and Security at the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Tim Ogilvie

Tim Ogilvie is Head of Staked at Kraken and was previously co-founder and CEO of Staked. He was co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of AdBuyer.com, which was acquired by Mediaocean in 2011. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Yale University.

Mike Neuder

Mike Neuder is a Researcher at the Ethereum Foundation and previously a software engineer at Google. He holds a master's degree in computer science and engineering from Harvard University.

Matthew Howells

Matthew Howells is VP of Growth at Kraken and formerly served as Chief Marketing Officer at Decentral Games.

Danny Ryan

Danny Ryan is a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation.

Christian Reitwiessner

Dr. Christian Reitwiessner is Team Lead at Ethereum, Creator of Solidity - looking for C++ engineers. Created the smart contract programming language Solidity and worked on the C++ implementation of Ethereum. Ethereum is a blockchain-based trusted and transparent decentralised computing platform and Solidity is a statically typed programming language that compiles to the bytecode native to the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Tim Beiko

Tim Beiko is the Head of Protocol Support at the Ethereum Foundation and has served as ConsenSys Product Manager.

Péter Szilágyi

Karalabe, Core Developer at Ethereum, Author of Project Iris, creator of RegionRank, co-creator of Ether APIs, team lead at Ethereum relaxing at the piano and on the cliffs. He developed the Iris, the Decentralized cloud messaging. Iris is an attempt at bringing the simplicity and elegance of cloud computing to the application layer. Consumer clouds provide unlimited virtual machines at the click of a button, but leaves it to developer to wire them together. Iris ensures that you can forget about networking challenges and instead focus on solving your own domain problems. It is a completely decentralized messaging solution for simplifying the design and implementation of cloud services. Among others, Iris features zero-configuration (i.e. start it up and it will do its magic), semantic addressing (i.e. application use textual names to address each other), clusters as units (i.e. automatic load balancing between apps of the same name) and perfect secrecy (i.e. all network traffic is encrypted).

Ryan Fennelly

Ryan Fennelly is Global Head of OTC Sales and Trading at Crypto.com and was previously Head of OTC at Abra.